Pattern Corrections
Octopus Garden
Cut (2) - 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" instead of (2) - 4 1/4" x 4 1/4".
If using a Fat Quarter cut a 9" strip instead of an 8 1/2" strip.
If using 1/4 yd. cuts just be sure to cut the squares 4 1/2" instead of 4 1/4"
This will insure you have nice sharp points.
All other instructions remain the same.
Match Box
Cutting Instructions:
White Print
Cut (40) - 3" x 9"
Cut (40) - 3" x 14"
Cut (7) - 4 1/2" x WOF (Width of Fabric) pieces
Layer Cakes
From each Layer Cake -
Cut (3) - 2 1/2" x 10" pieces
Cut (1) of the 2 1/2" x 10" pieces in half to make (2) - 2 1/2" x 5" pieces
Cut 1" off the remaining 2 pieces to make (2) - 2 1/2" x 9" pieces
Block Assembly:
2. Sew (1) - 2 1/2" x 9" Layer Cake piece to the top and the bottom of the block.
3. Sew (1) - 3" x 9" White piece to each side of the block.
4. Sew (1) - 3" x 14" White piece to the top and bottom of the block.
Winter Wonderland
1. Before cutting out your LARGE TREE and LARGE TREE BACKGROUND pieces - (Templates C1 & C2). Layout the templates to make sure they make a full tree. If the templates are the same, flip one template over so they make a tree.
Flip template C2 over so it looks like a tree. Make a mark on the template so you know which side should be facing you as you cut our your pieces.
The templates should look like a tree.
2. Instead of using fusible interfacing as listed on the snowflake template page, use a fusible webbing such as Wonder Under or Steam a Seam 2.
Feelin' Alright
ROW 1, Step (1) FABRIC B should be 10-1/2" x 2-1/2" (not 8-1/2" x 2-1/2").
ROW 1, Step (4) FABRIC B should be 10-1/2" x 4-1/2" (not 8-1/2" 3-1/2") and FABRIC B should be 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" (not 2-1/2" x 3-1/2")
Fool on the Hill
Just make sure your diagrams match the ones below. You are looking for the correct order for the A and B pieces
Magical Mystery Tour
CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS (make the following changes)
Cut (40) 1" x 6 1/2"
Cut (35) 1" x 13"
Cut (40) 1" x 6 1/2"
Cut (35) 1" x 13"
Cut (12) 1" x WOF
Change all the 1 1/2" pieces to 1" pieces in the written instructions. Everything else remains the same.
***if you are still confused, just email us and we will send out new instructions.
Simply Haunting
Fabric Requirements for Crazy Patch Block
15 Fat Quarters
The "Lucille" Bag
Fabric Requirements:
Outside Fabric if using directional fabric you need 1 1/4 yards
Page 4 - Bag Assembly
1. With right sides together, layer the Inside bag pieces together. The Canvas pieces will be on the outside. Sew the pieces together. Start and stop according to the diagram.
2. With right sides together, sew the Outside bag pieces together. Start and stop according to the diagram.
3. Turn the Outside bag right side out.
4. Place the Outside bag inside of the Inside bag. Right sides should be together. The canvas pieces will still be on the outside.
5. Match up the side seams and pin the top of the bags together around the circle.
6. Open the bags up (do not turn right side out yet) The top should make a circle.
Hanky Panky
Cutting Instructions
White Fabric - 1 3/4 yards (if you have 1 1/2 yards, you will still have enough)
Cut (5) - 4” x WOF - from each strip cut (16) - Template A
Page 2 - Blocks
Divide the cut pieces into individual blocks. You will need (4) - A pieces; (2) - B pieces; (2) - C pieces; (2) - D pieces; and (1) - E piece, for each block.
Page 3
4. Sew the (5) - 1 1/2” x WOF Sashing pieces together end to end to form one long piece. Press.
Cutting Instructions
Piece D should be 5 1/4" x 7"
Simply Winter
Fabric Requirements for Log Cabin Block
15 Fat Quarters
Twist and Shout
Fabric Requirments
Cream Fabric
2 1/4 yards
Cutting Instructions
Cut (12) - 2” x WOF for Borders
Sewing Instructions - Page 3 - Inside Border
1. Sew the (12) - 2” x WOF Cream pieces together end to end.
Penny Lane
From 2 Fat Quarters
Cut - (6) - 3” x 15 1/2”
(4) - 3” x 4 1/2”
Mrs. Robinson
From each of the 8 Coordinating Fabrics (1/8 yard)
Cut (1) - 2” x WOF - from this cut the following:
Cut (4) - 2” x 9 ½” for Back Side panels
Cut (1) - 2” x WOF - see Front Panel section exact cutting instructions
The Walrus
White Fabric
Cut (1) - 5 1/2" x WOF strip - from this cut:
(6) - 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" for Piece E
Cut (2) - 11 1/2" x WOF strips - from these cut:
(31) - 2 1/2" x 11 1/2" for Piece H
Page 3
#4 - underneath the graphics it should say Top Sashing Row instead of Bottom
Sashing Row.
Marshmellow Pies - Snowball Pillow
White Fabric
Cut (48) - 1 ½” x 1 ½” for Piece F
**Cut (12) - 1” x 1” for Piece G
**if using a light fabric cut (24) and stack 2 together to make one Piece G
Hey Jude
Background Fabric - 1 7/8 yards
The "McKenzie" Bag
Inside Bag Fabric - 2/3 Yard (1 Yard if directional)
Cut (2) - 14 1/2” H x 22” W for Inside Bag

The "Maxwell" Bag
Fabric Requirements
Cording (22/32”) - 1 2 /3 Yard
Cutting Instructions
Inside Bag Fabric
Cut (2) - 8” H x 10 1/4” W for Outside Pocket Linings
Cut (2) - 13 1/2” H x 7 1/2” W for Inside Ends
Cut (1) - 15 1/2” x 7 1/2” for Inside Bottom
Cut (2) - 15” H x 20” W for Inside Middles
TABS (Page 7)
1. Fold under 1/4” on both sides of the Tab. Press.
2. With right sides together, fold the Tab in half lengthwise. Press.
3. Sew a 1/8” topstitch down the two long sides of the Tab.
4. Repeat steps 1-4 with the other (9) Tab pieces.
5. Fold the tab pieces in half so the raw edges are together.
6. Place the raw edges of (5) Tabs even with the curved edge of the Outside Bag piece. The first tab needs to start 1/2” from the top corner and the middle tab should be in the center of the curve. Pin each tab into place.
7. Sew the Tabs in place with a basting stitch a 1/4” from the edge.
8. Repeat steps 6-7 to sew the remaining (5) Tabs to the other Outside Bag piece.

Cutting Instructions
From Fat Quarter 4
Cut (1) - 2 1/2” x 10 1/2” for Piece 4C